Food Fight - Challenge 2.5
This Challenge/Prototype project focused on SpawnManagers, arrays, random number generation, and array indices.
Challenge Objectives Completed:
Easy - Vertical Movement: I implemented vertical movement into the game. The player can move 2 units upwards and backwards, stopping at the line indicating the barrier.
Medium - Aggressive Animals: I implemented aggressive animals into the game. They will spawn from the left and right sides of the screen, decreasing the player's life by 1 each time they hit an animal. They will also despawn once reaching a certain point on the left and right sides of the screen.
Hard - Game User Interface: I implemented a full prototype of a user interface into the game. This way I don't have to record a YouTube video as the information is available at all times to the player. Every time the player hits an animal, the player's score will increase by 1. If the player misses an animal, the score will decrease by 1, but can go no lower than 0. The player will also start with 3 lives, decreasing by 1 every time the player is hit by an animal from the sides. I also added in a bonus of gaining an extra life every 10 points the player gets. There is also a game over screen if the player reaches 0 lives, along side a retry button resetting the scene.
W and S to forward and backward
A and D to move left and right
Spacebar or Left Mouse Button fires carrots
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